Justin mum

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Topic on Birth

"The number of women between the ages of 15 and 50 is fixed. The number of birth-giving machines (and) devices is fixed, so all we can ask is that they do their best per head," - copyright from this article

As a mother,your first reaction is probably "Wat!!I did my best.Wat else u expect!"

As a woman,your first reaction is "Hey i am not a machine,ok!"

Why is the woman having problem here? It is a social issue and it involves both man and woman. Unless you are telling me that woman alone can self-procreate..

I just met up with a friend who is married for 5yrs.We sort of bombard her on questions "so when is ur turn?". Then she slap us with a question "Why you want to have a kid?"

Oh boy...hmm why huh? I din answer her cos i also have no answer..In her case,it seems like it is their choice..Ok,we rest the case till the next time someone pop the question in her face again


Thursday, December 07, 2006

The last taboo: China's super-rich mothers splash out on wet nurses

Just saw this article in telegraph website.

Luxury cars, yachts and diamonds are commonplace for China's super-rich, but a new status symbol has been added to their list of must-haves – the wet nurse.


This prompt me to search for information on wet nursing and found the following links

See what's up at home on your mobile phone

Working mothers can now keep an eye on their children while they are at work or overseas, thanks to a webcam service by a local telco operator.

M1 – the first telco to launch a Webcam service that is accessible through the mobile phone – declined to reveal the exact take-up rate for this service, although it has seen an increase in the number of subscribers in the last two years. A large majority of its Webcam service customers are professionals, managers, executives and businessmen and women.


Above extract is from asiaone.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sleep problem

Eversince the time justin is in my tummy,he is a extremely active baby at night..In the last trimster,i find it diffcult to sleep..

1st 6 mths,must rock him in arms den can sleep so we resort to sarong..we managed to get 2 free sarong stands. 1 stand for my parents' place and 1 stand for my in laws place. We bought 1 more sarong stand plus motor for rocking..

2nd 6 mths,things began to look better..there is 1 week plus that justin sleep ard 10pm..

Now he is 13mths,he is getting more mobile by the day...wanting to get out of the house...He sleep ard 11pm - 12.30am..

If this continues,you all will see a panda family...sigh

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Venue Selected

Not sure if anyone will see this post..anyway wat the heck..

1st of all,all thanks to alice that i finally confirmed the party venue for boy's 1st birthday..

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Different pattern every night

Ever since the birth of my prince,i din get a good night rest except for those nights where he is with ILs..

Although he is with ILs,i tend to worry abt the timing that he sleeps..Let's say if he sleep late,the next day he might sleep late too..Headache for me and hubby..

At 1 mth plus,justin needed people to rock him to sleep..that period,i have moved back to my parents' place..Every night,my father and my sister helped me to rock him to sleep cum singing song..

At 2 mth plus,someone donated a sarong stand to me..This is a god sent gift..From then onwards,my father and sister rock him to sleep in the sarong..

From 3mth plus,he seeked out my breast for comfort suckling to sleep..

At 5mth plus,i stopped breastfeeding cos of low supply..he suckled himself to sleep using a milk bottle..

Good times do not last forever..At 7mth plus,he refuse the bottle..he will flip and turn and cries when he is damm sleepy..

Hence,we began our tiring journey of putting my dear prince justin to sleep..some nights,my hubby sings to him.. some nights,i rocked him to sleep...last night, a completely new pattern, i carried him and run around to put him to sleep.

wat more patterns..sigh..

Ah gong back in hospital

Received an sms from my sis..she said that ah gong like lost consious again..call him din reply..

damm worrying on my side cos i waited for 3 hrs to get a simple update.."condition stabilize..doc has to investigate..going home with dad"..

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A big hug from my darling boy

At the back of my mind,i am always worried that my boy will not be close to me since he is taken care by MIL and maid..

For past two weeks, when i reached IL place,justin will be so eager to see me and wants me to carry him..I will be very gan cheong cos i have to wash my hands 1st before allow to carry him.. If i am slow a bit,he will cry cos i heading to the basin to wash hands..

This little action really make my day worthwhile as i will leave office on the dot..eagerly go home to hug and bao bao my baby boy..

Monday, June 26, 2006

2 dates for party

I have 3 months to plan for a decent birthday party for my prince..Spoken to hubby that i intend to hold it at my parents place on 8th Oct,1 week earlier.. Y? cos knowing mil's character,she will cook up a party for him at their place and jurong is too far for my extended family..

this time round,i wan all my aunties,uncles and cousins to c my prince..at least pasir ris is nearer to them den jurong west...