Justin mum

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sleep problem

Eversince the time justin is in my tummy,he is a extremely active baby at night..In the last trimster,i find it diffcult to sleep..

1st 6 mths,must rock him in arms den can sleep so we resort to sarong..we managed to get 2 free sarong stands. 1 stand for my parents' place and 1 stand for my in laws place. We bought 1 more sarong stand plus motor for rocking..

2nd 6 mths,things began to look better..there is 1 week plus that justin sleep ard 10pm..

Now he is 13mths,he is getting more mobile by the day...wanting to get out of the house...He sleep ard 11pm - 12.30am..

If this continues,you all will see a panda family...sigh